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Mobile power bank and my inseparable bond

On that late night embraced gently by the moonlight, I was curled up in a corner of the sofa, holding tightly the phone that had accompanied me through countless days and nights. The brightness of the screen was particularly glaring in the dim room, and the faint red on the battery bar seemed to silently express its exhaustion. At this moment, I caught a glimpse of the mobile power bank lying quietly on the coffee table - the "energy guardian" who is usually unknown but always stands up in critical moments.

I picked it up with a smile, my heart filled with gratitude towards modern technology. This small object has lent a helping hand countless times when my battery was running low, allowing me to continue immersing myself in the ocean of the digital world. However, this time, as I plugged the data cable into its port and prepared to enjoy the familiar peace of mind, an unexpected storm quietly brewing.

At first, everything seemed calm as usual. The indicator light of the power bank lights up, gently telling me that it is injecting new life into my phone. But gradually, I began to notice a hint of something wrong. The heat emitted from the portable power bank was much stronger than usual, as if a fierce battle was taking place inside.

A sense of foreboding surged in my heart, but I was unwilling to easily give up the power I was about to receive. So, I tried to convince myself that this was just a normal heating phenomenon, as electronic products generate a certain amount of heat when charging. However, the reality is far more cruel than I imagined.

With a subtle and sharp explosion sound, the casing of the portable power bank suddenly cracked open, and then a strong current gushed out like an uncontrollable venomous snake, wreaking havoc in the air. I watched the scene in shock, my mind instantly blank, and I felt a strong electric current rushing towards me, almost devouring me.

Fortunately, my instinctive reaction quickly released everything in my hand, including the phone that almost became a conductor. I stumbled back a few steps and fell to the floor, my heart beating wildly as if I had just walked through the gates of hell. And the once loyal and reliable mobile power bank has now turned into a chaotic flame, burning and distorting the surrounding air.

I sat there in shock, looking at the sea of fire in front of me, my heart filled with indescribable fear and anger. I am angry that this seemingly harmless small object can transform into such a terrifying "electric demon" in an instant, and even more angry that I did not notice its abnormality earlier.

Later, I carefully analyzed the cause of this incident. Perhaps due to a malfunction in the internal circuit of the power bank, the current is out of control; Perhaps it is because I have neglected its maintenance and upkeep for a long time, which has unknowingly accumulated too many safety hazards. But no matter what, this experience has taught me a profound lesson: while enjoying the convenience brought by technology, we must also always be vigilant about the dangers it may bring.