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Record of Mobile Power Rescue for Space Explorers

I am an experienced space explorer who travels through the vast universe year-round, exploring unknown planets and mysterious civilizations. This time, our mission is to travel to a distant planet in search of a legendary rare energy source. This energy source is said to have infinite power and can completely change the energy structure of humanity, solving the increasingly serious energy crisis on Earth.

We boarded an advanced spacecraft, traveled through countless galaxies and black holes, and finally arrived at the target planet. The surface of this planet is covered with a thick layer of frost, surrounded by a mysterious aura. We cautiously landed on the surface of the planet and began exploring this unknown territory.

On the surface of the planet, we have discovered some peculiar rocks and plants. These rocks emit a faint light, as if they contain immense energy. We excitedly collected some samples and are preparing to bring them back to the spacecraft for analysis. However, just as we were about to leave, an accident happened.

Our spacecraft suddenly lost power and the entire hull began to vibrate violently. We quickly checked the spacecraft's system and found that there was a malfunction in the energy core. This kind of malfunction requires a lot of energy to repair, and the backup energy on the spacecraft is running low. Faced with this sudden crisis, we fell into despair.

At this critical moment, I remembered the portable power bank I carried with me. This portable power bank was specially prepared by me before departure in case of any unforeseen circumstances. It is small and exquisite, yet contains enormous energy. I took out my portable power bank and carefully checked the battery level, and found that there was still a considerable amount of power reserve. This discovery reignited our hope.

We have decided to use this portable power source to repair the energy core of the spacecraft. Firstly, we need to transfer the energy from the portable power source to the energy system of the spacecraft. This process requires precise calculations and operations, and any small mistake can lead to failure. We carefully carried out each step, sweating profusely with nervousness.

After some effort, we finally succeeded in transferring the energy from the portable power source to the energy system of the spacecraft. With the injection of energy, the energy core of the spacecraft gradually returns to normal. We nervously watched the data changes on the screen, filled with anticipation and prayer.

A few minutes later, the energy core of the spacecraft was finally repaired. We restarted the spacecraft and watched it take off again, filled with joy and gratitude in our hearts. At that moment, I deeply realized the importance of a portable power bank. It is not just a battery, but also a lifeline for us in space exploration.

However, our task is not yet over. We need to find that legendary rare energy source and bring it back to Earth. So, we continued to explore the surface of the planet. In the following days, we encountered many difficulties and challenges. Sometimes it's bad weather, sometimes fierce beasts, and sometimes complex terrain. But no matter what difficulties we encountered, we never gave up.

During an exploration, we discovered a mysterious cave. The cave was filled with a faint light, as if leading to another world. We cautiously walked into the cave and found many glowing minerals embedded in the cave walls. These minerals emit a soft glow, as if they contain immense energy.

We have collected some ore samples and are preparing to bring them back to the spacecraft for analysis. However, just as we were about to leave, the cave suddenly collapsed. We quickly escaped from the cave, but the ore samples were scattered on the ground. We looked helplessly at those ores, filled with regret in our hearts.

After returning to the spacecraft, we conducted a detailed analysis of the collected ore samples. The results show that these ores do indeed contain enormous energy, and their energy characteristics are very similar to the rare energy source we are looking for. This discovery excited us greatly, as if we saw hope for the success of the mission.

However, it is not easy to bring these minerals back to Earth. We need to find a way to preserve the energy of ore for a long time. At this moment, I remembered that portable power bank. Although its battery is running low, we can utilize its energy conversion function to transfer the energy of the ore to a portable power source. This not only preserves the energy of the ore for a long time, but also provides additional power for the spacecraft.

We will start taking action immediately. We transferred the energy of the ore to a mobile power source, and after some effort, we finally succeeded in storing the energy of the ore. This innovative energy conversion method not only solves our energy problem, but also provides us with new insights in space exploration.

On the way back to Earth, we encountered many storms and meteorite clusters. Every crisis, we rely on the mineral energy in our portable power banks to turn danger into safety. This portable power bank has become the energy guardian in our space exploration, allowing us to find our way forward in the vast universe.